Nebraska State Fireworks Laws


Specifically permitted Novelty items, snakes, and sparklers do not require a permit to be sold in Nebraska. Gold and silver sparklers (colored sparklers prohibited) spray fountains, torches, color fire cones, star and comet type aerial shells without explosive charge, lady fingers not to exceed ⅞” in length and ⅛” in diameter, total pyrotechnic composition not to exceed 50 mg. each, color wheels and any other item approved by Fire Marshal. Samples for all fireworks must be submitted to Fire Marshal prior to sale for separate test shoot examination. Permissible fireworks list issued annually in January.
Specifically prohibited Rockets, unapproved wire sparklers, nighttime parachutes, firecrackers with more than 50mg of explosive composition, and other fireworks deemed unsafe by the State Fire Marshal.
Selling Period June 25-July 5 and December 28-January 1. Local authorities may limit this period. 

Display Permit

Apply to State Fire Marshal at least 10 business days before display date. Permit fee: $10. Aerial shells may not exceed 6” outside diameter unless electrically fired. State regulations (Title 157, Chapter 3) contain additional limitations. 

Insurance Not specifically required in state law
Operator Operator must be licensed. Operators, among other requirements, must be at least 18 years of age and pass a written examination. License valid for 3 years.

Apply to State Fire Marshal between Jan 1 and June 10 of each year. The State Fire Marshal must receive the application at least 10 business days prior to the beginning of the sales period (June 24- July 5, Dec. 28-Jan. 1). Retail licenses may be submitted after June 10th if accompanied by a $50 late fee. Retail license applications will not be accepted after June 30th. License good for calendar year in which issued . Retailers and wholesalers must purchase from distributors licensed in Nebraska. License fees Distributor $500 Jobber $200 Retail $25 

MANUFACTURE, STORAGE, TRANSPORTATION Must comply with building and fire codes adopted
by the governing body. If no code has been
adopted, then storage shall be in accordance with
the fire code adopted by the director of the division
of fire prevention and control within the dept. of
public safety.
LICENSING Manufacturing, wholesale, and retail licenses
required annually; apply to Division of Fire Safety
at least 30 days in advance of activity. The
License is valid through Sept. 1 of the following
year. Retail licenses are good for the calendar
year in which issued.
Exporter $ 1,500
Wholesaler $ 1,500
Display $ 1,500
Retailer (per location) $ 50


State Fire Marshal 246 South 14th Street Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone: 402-471-2027 


Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 28-1239.01 to 28-1252; 157 Neb. Admin Code, Chapters 1-8 

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