Maine State Fireworks Laws


Specifically permitted

Consumer fireworks items tested & certified by a 3rd party laboratory as conforming with CPSC standards.

Specifically prohibited

Missile type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, sky rockets, and bottle rockets, as defined by the State Fire Marshal.


Requirement to sale

Maintain public and product liability insurance of at least $2,000,000.

At least 21, holds federal and state license, and any additional local requirements. Retail license fee $5,000.

Consumer fireworks may only be sold from a permanent, fixed stand-alone building dedicated soley to the storage and sale of consumer fireworks. Buildings must be fully sprinkled with a sprinkler system meeting NFPA 13, some exceptions provided.

Age of Purchase

Permissible use limitations

21 years

Use permitted every day from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., except on July 4th, December 31st, and the weekends immediately before and after July 4th and December 31st. On those dates, consumer firework use is permitted from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 a.m. the next day. Consumer fireworks may only be used on the property of the property of the person using the fireworks or a person consenting to such use.


Display permit

Apply to the Commissioner of Public Safety at least 20 days before display date. $111 fee for inspection of fireworks display sites; $30 fee for permit per display; $100 fee for monitored display of indoor fireworks occurring outside od normal business hours.


$1,000,000 liability


Minimum age: 21 years. Operator must take test for certification from State Fire Marshal’s Office. Fee $180, annual renewal fee $25.


In addition to providing specific storage and transportation requirements, the following are incorporated by reference: NFPA 1124, NFPA 1123, special rules apply; NFPA 1126 and NFPA 160. Retail sales must also comply with NFPA 101.



State Fire Marshal

52 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0052 Phone: 207-626-3870

Commissioner of Public Safety

45 Commerce Drive

104 State House Station

Augusta, Maine 04333

Phone: (207) 626-3803

and local authorities



Me. Rev. Stat. tit. 8, §§ 221 through 237; 16-219 Me. Code R. § Ch. 25, Ch. 26, Ch. 36


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